Event1Event2Event3Event4Gothere1Gothere2Gothere3Gothere4FalseEvent5 Citizen Service
Board Name: Board of Assistance
Description: The Local Assistance Board shall have such powers and perform such duties as arre prescribed by general law and ordinance, and shall appoint a Director of Welfare pusuant to State law.
No. of Member: 3
General Frequency of Meetings:
Appointing authority: Mayor - City Code 2-50
Financial Disclosure Requirements of Members : No
Schedule of Meeting:
Advice to Volunteers:

Member Information:
NameOrig. App.Curr.AppExpireTermTitle
Michele Yamakaitis 03/20/201801/01/202412/31/20241 year 
Robert Wilkins07/20/202101/01/202412/31/20252 years 
Elain Mosley07/20/202101/01/202312/31/20242 years 

No. of vancancies: 0

Non-Member Information:
NameOrig. App.Curr.AppExpireTermTitle