Event1Event2Event3Event4Gothere1Gothere2Gothere3Gothere4FalseEvent5 Citizen Service
Board Name: The Linden-Roselle Sewerage Authority
Description: The Sewerage Authority shall have and exercise all the powers and perform all the duties provided for by the Sewerage Authorities Law and any other statutes heretorfore or hereafter enacted and applicable thereto.
No. of Member: 4
General Frequency of Meetings:
Appointing authority:
Financial Disclosure Requirements of Members : Yes
Schedule of Meeting:
Advice to Volunteers:

Member Information:
NameOrig. App.Curr.AppExpireTermTitle
Derek Armstead08/21/201802/02/202102/01/20265 yearsCommissioner
Mark Armstead 07/16/202405/01/201504/30/20255 yearsCommissioner
Ralph Strano06/19/201801/01/202404/20/20285 years 
Joseph Chrobak08/20/202405/01/202104/30/20265 YearsAlternate Commissioner

No. of vancancies: 0

Non-Member Information:
NameOrig. App.Curr.AppExpireTermTitle